Another competitive 8on8 Tournament hosted by BF2 Playerbase will take place very very soon.
This is your chance to play Battlefield 2 the way it was meant to be - in a fast-paced, teamplay-based vehicle mode on small 16-sized maps with tanks and explosions and shit :D
Matches will be live broadcasted and commentated by our beloved Gravity.
If you'd like to participate with your team, join the Discord and message either risky (@riskyreflex) or TrashBlind (@eattherich1).
Each registered team gets to play against every other team - 1 match per week; usually on Sundays.
Note: If you have no experience whatsoever but want to try out competitive Battlefield 2, you can also queue for "more casual" 8on8 matches with mixed teams each day.
Registration ends: Sunday, October 1st 2023 Tournament starts: Sunday, October 8th 2023