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1590MCM - 07.02.25 / 08:53

lol how yall gonna ban me cause i asked why somebody didnt take damage thats some dumb stuff right there lol

Sn1p - 05.02.25 / 19:34

sqad buggggggggggggggggggggggg

Sn1p - 05.02.25 / 18:45

sq bag on server

Jortsa - 04.02.25 / 18:09

Aimbotter, MaximMoss on server right now

Enis505 - 04.02.25 / 11:56

bro i got ban again for teamkill but i didnt do teamkill wtf???Can someone unban me

VanSanD - 02.02.25 / 22:50

Valteim, all VOIP/Microphones didn't work untill the server restart.

one2one69 - 31.01.25 / 14:17

That way, they can act like retards as much as they want and not bother anyone else..

one2one69 - 31.01.25 / 14:17

start your own server and let them play there....

basel1 - 31.01.25 / 11:40

unban petroboss, teodissey and ya2 lik trump did

Johnny_Canuck - 29.01.25 / 20:19

Windoz will flag it but it's safe.

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Author video-fever

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 05-08-2021 19:52
Harsha wrote:
Ya2 wrote:
Is the game "out-of-the-box" ? No ? it's cheating.

That's a pretty ignorant thing to say.

Localization changes are common and allowed everywhere. There's not a single server or community I can think of that prohibits localization changes.

"That's a pretty ignorant thing to say. " <-- ignorant statement

"common and allowed everywhere" - If that's true, a lot of people are wrong.
It's like saying, everyone is cheating, so I will too.. fake excuse.

(In this case - more visible areas, less useless text which comes out-of-the-box) .

Is the above right or wrong as an example of an advantage you're getting, against people who don't know how to "edit the game" ?

Please stop this stuff, and (try to) win cleanly. Else - You are 100% losing doesn't matter what happens in game.
Edited by Ya2 on 05-08-2021 19:59

Posts: 159
Joined: 27.03.10
Posted on 05-08-2021 20:51
Yes yes, now have fun reporting more than half the entire playerbase for "cheating" xD

Posts: 43
Joined: 29.10.17
Posted on 05-08-2021 21:18
Modifying localization isn't considered cheating.

I've heard that EA/DICE had stated that localization files are allowed to be edited. Maybe the older players can confirm this.

It's allowed in 2f4y, Super@, Weekend Warriors, Lost Soldiers, competitive scene, etc. All the active communities.

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 05-08-2021 21:32
Harsha wrote:
Modifying localization isn't considered cheating.
Cheaters consider cheating as OK.

Harsha wrote:
I've heard that EA/DICE had stated that localization files are allowed to be edited. Maybe the older players can confirm this.

You heard ?
From someone (EA/Dice) who doesn't control the game anymore ?

Harsha wrote:
It's allowed in 2f4y, Super@, Weekend Warriors, Lost Soldiers, competitive scene, etc. All the active communities.

The "fact" that this may be considered "normal" doesn't mean it is a good thing.

Unless you FORCE (and ban someone who doesn't) everyone to use those modified whatevers, it gives advantages.

It's quite SAD. Can't you just not use it, and feel good you're not fooling yourself with those not out-of-the-box advantages ?

Posts: 43
Joined: 29.10.17
Posted on 05-08-2021 22:09
These changes don't provide much advantage.

Some people always complain about macros, tweaks, etc when they lose to others. They don't want to entertain the idea that the other player is simply better or more experienced than them. You seem to be one of those people.

Anyway, you won't gain much by arguing with me here. If you think localization changes shouldn't be allowed, go contact the admins.

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 05-08-2021 22:22
Harsha wrote:
These changes don't provide much advantage.

So why are you using those hacks ? smiley
Instead of not using...

Harsha wrote:
Some people always complain about macros, tweaks, etc when they lose to others. They don't want to entertain the idea that the other player is simply better or more experienced than them. You seem to be one of those people.

Honestly, you are a joke, you "protect" those hacks, then claim you're any good, and better than someone....
Not only that, from what I've seen, you're just an average player with those hacks in use. maybe a 6/10, but than again, use hacks, so 0/10.

Harsha wrote:
Anyway, you won't gain much by arguing with me here. If you think localization changes shouldn't be allowed, go contact the admins.

Too scared to play 100% clean uh smiley
Doesn't know what's wrong or right, need an admin to guide you.

Posts: 159
Joined: 27.03.10
Posted on 05-08-2021 22:36
Ya2 you're getting absurd at this point. Holy shit xD.

Call a world class dogfighter(#2 in the world according to many dogfighters) a joke and rate him 6/10 at most when you would barely survive for longer than 30 secs against him on airshow 1v1.

Is this bad trolling or are you just deluded?

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 06-08-2021 03:10
Helldrummer-DK wrote:
Ya2 you're getting absurd at this point. Holy shit xD.

Call a world class dogfighter(#2 in the world according to many dogfighters) a joke and rate him 6/10 at most when you would barely survive for longer than 30 secs against him on airshow 1v1.

Is this bad trolling or are you just deluded?

Is that a joke ?
Dogfighter, and BF2 ? hardly a connection.
And specific, he gets into the J-10, and camps above enemy's uncap smiley
#2 according to no0bs, maybe smiley

Posts: 13
Joined: 26.05.21
Posted on 06-08-2021 03:18
Ya2 wrote:
Helldrummer-DK wrote:
Ya2 you're getting absurd at this point. Holy shit xD.

Call a world class dogfighter(#2 in the world according to many dogfighters) a joke and rate him 6/10 at most when you would barely survive for longer than 30 secs against him on airshow 1v1.

Is this bad trolling or are you just deluded?

Is that a joke ?
Dogfighter, and BF2 ? hardly a connection.
And specific, he gets into the J-10, and camps above enemy's uncap smiley
#2 according to no0bs, maybe smiley

Yes ur the best player bf2 have amazing jet skills from crashing and redlining urself ur awesome Ya4

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 06-08-2021 08:55
Envy wrote:
Ya2 wrote:
Helldrummer-DK wrote:
Ya2 you're getting absurd at this point. Holy shit xD.

Call a world class dogfighter(#2 in the world according to many dogfighters) a joke and rate him 6/10 at most when you would barely survive for longer than 30 secs against him on airshow 1v1.

Is this bad trolling or are you just deluded?

Is that a joke ?
Dogfighter, and BF2 ? hardly a connection.
And specific, he gets into the J-10, and camps above enemy's uncap smiley
#2 according to no0bs, maybe smiley

Yes ur the best player bf2 have amazing jet skills from crashing and redlining urself ur awesome Ya4

lol_spagati yeti

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Posted on 06-08-2021 15:33

In life, you have ups and downs, but you should never give up

Posts: 4
Joined: 07.08.21
Posted on 08-08-2021 00:19
Ya2 You are 100% right. I want laugh, because when you are saying inconvenient facts Helldrumma, Spagatia and others pr0 players are crying smiley Try to understand what Ya2 is saying. If the game developer didn't design something in the game settings EVERY change and interference in the game is a fraud and can be call as cheating, try to understand it fools. It's like a guy can steal 10 $ and other guy can steal 10000$. This is all the time theft. So if u manipulate with chatbox in the game and it helps you to see "more" than other "normal" players it can be called as cheating. If the producer wanted to, he would enter option like this. If you use macro (autoclicker) ofc it can be call as cheating, because If the game developer didn't design something in the game settings EVERY change and interference in the game is a fraud and can be call as cheating. Try to understand it fools, Congratulations for You, Ya2 for showing their false logic, They just have ass ache. Helldrummas i saw your super administrating kills in your server, the fucking gay made minimum 3 times baserape and you did not react, i'm thinking to report you as noob administrator. (sry). Spagatia when i see you on the server i want vomit, because you are very very very easy noob target, you do so stupid moves in the game like bot. This server and Super server are so easy to be fucked like whore, because administration do almost nothing to protect quality of the servers. Dont say me about "report" section, it is a joke. For excample the guy US ARNOLD who did redline is only "WATCHLIST". He was reported with proof. This is fucking joke. Basically if you want to fuck this server and super@ servers it's very easy, because it is pseudo-order here. It is only the imagination that there is any order here. Again, congratulations Ya2 for using 100% logical thinking but not everyone is comfortable with it and treats it (logic) falsely or selectively.

Posts: 21
Joined: 18.05.21
Posted on 08-08-2021 15:25
Came here to see watch Sam kicking air guys video but there is no video only Sam's comment.

Posts: 13
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Posted on 08-08-2021 15:25

Hey Ya2 why u lost with the better jet ?

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 08-08-2021 16:24
Envy wrote:

Hey Ya2 why u lost with the better jet ?

LOL you fly the F-18 ? smiley

Posts: 13
Joined: 26.05.21
Posted on 08-08-2021 16:37
Ya2 wrote:
Envy wrote:

Hey Ya2 why u lost with the better jet ?

LOL you fly the F-18 ? smiley

i knew ur dumb but rly that dumb... the SU-30 is better than f18.

Posts: 393
Joined: 14.07.20
Posted on 08-08-2021 16:43
Envy wrote:
Ya2 wrote:
Envy wrote:

Hey Ya2 why u lost with the better jet ?

LOL you fly the F-18 ? smiley

i knew ur dumb but rly that dumb... the SU-30 is better than f18.


You fly the F-18 AND use display cheats at the same time, AND post it ? smiley

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Posted on 08-08-2021 16:57
What is localization files btw, haven't heard anything about it in over 10 years. So could you please please minimize that text, I can not see anything else than that Ya2 got fucked.

I also heard about this thing as dogfight some day ago, where can I add the maps in my game developer designed settings menu?

"Its just a game!" - "BF2!"
Edited by FINwidowmaker on 08-08-2021 16:58

Posts: 13
Joined: 26.05.21
Posted on 08-08-2021 18:59
Ya2 wrote:
Envy wrote:
Ya2 wrote:
Envy wrote:

Hey Ya2 why u lost with the better jet ?

LOL you fly the F-18 ? smiley

i knew ur dumb but rly that dumb... the SU-30 is better than f18.


You fly the F-18 AND use display cheats at the same time, AND post it ? smiley

can u show me display cheats xD? wtf ur the dumbest person i ever saw around in bf2 probaly low iq

Posts: 223
Joined: 10.03.21
Posted on 08-08-2021 19:38
battleman123 wrote:
For excample the guy US ARNOLD who did redline is only "WATCHLIST". He was reported with proof. This is fucking joke..

Actually I reported him for it and he was banned for a couple of days. The usual practice of getting rid of problem players is kick->ban for a couple of days->perm ban. At least that's what was "common" in different servers in general if I remember correctly. Since this instance was probably this arnold morons first reported offence with proof, he got a few days of ban.
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