Renes nur 25FPS mit der guten Hardware? o.O
Da frag ich mich echt welchen PC man dann haben muss, um BF3 in Highres u max Settings mit ausreichend FPS spielen zu können....
Heftig, heftig sag ich da nur
Posts: 753 Location: Budapest, Hungary Joined: 24.06.09
Posted on 28-06-2011 10:44
Sooo... René, you have to improve your PC, too, if you want to play BF3
Especially if you dont want to play with 5 FPS when i destroy the skyscraper near you
(I'll play BF3 and Crysis with the details: 320x240, 8 bit)
I hope the developers will make options to switch every player to different color.... So blue square will René, red will Clubradio, and 1 red over 3 white will Wildcat in tank
And if i see coming 5 squares in X formation:
maybe a bomb, or a coming X-wing...
2nd graphics card may help.
I have similar settings as René except for the CPU (Phenom II 1090T in my case) but with 750 Watts I'm prepared to take another 6950 or even 6970; depends which one I'll be able to afford.
The developers won't make a game nowadays that only a slight minority is able to play in medium settings. Still there's room for future hardware to give us even better graphics in the same game.