18.09.24 / 20:16 Unfortunately for you, you lack the most basic level of intellect. Utterly stupid beyond belief. BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:14 If I don't see anyone, the last thing my missile will do is shoot around corners or places where people might hide. BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:13 In this case I might not even seen anything in the map, just shooting car and tank spawn to pick people off. BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:09 If you weren't a piece of trash, you'd know that firing tv by map and correcting in flight is a basic thing. one2one69 -
18.09.24 / 20:08 yeah but c'mon man we all know humvee's are instant camouflage ..... BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:06 Ahh this was the "evidence" you were talking about lmao. Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 19:00 "How the fuck did he see that" - mfer, you're in the OPEN in a fking humvee Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 18:57 You're right about one thing though - this shitty "evidence" won't get anyone banned. Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 18:57 Embarrassing if that's the best you got, phatscat. Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 18:56 2:10 "knows exactly where the enemy is" - fires a tv at absolutely nothing.
Posts: 2293 Location: Austria (Vienna) Joined: 08.01.07
Posted on 06-06-2015 15:18
this was sent also by PM to LaggyFatSLim:
today our forum spam detection automatically has banned 2 of your threads and revoked your "create threads" permissions.
its no problem if you wanna discuss with the community about hardware but i dont think that each single hardware element needs a separate thread. even without spam-detection this looks a bit like pure advertising and not like a real discussion thread.
we removed the auto-ban, however please make sure to start your threads with a serious explanation and not just links to other websites from now.
2F4Y.com - Hated, Blasted, Deified! Zu viele Drogen, zu viele Schlägerein,
Ich war nicht immer Sieger aber viel zu oft dabei!
Ich weiß wie es sich anfühlt, wenn Knochen splittern,
Ich weiß wie es sich anfühlt, wenn Hände zittern! The Art of Diplomacy is telling someone to go to hell in such a way that he is actually looking forward to enjoy the trip!
"The act of teabagging has become popular in multiplayer first person shooter video games. This is executed by the player who just killed an enemy running over to his corpse (if any) and repeatedly crouching in his opponent's face. This is done to imply domination or humiliation. Although teabagging is generally considered bad sportsmanship, its use is widespread throughout amateur and professional gaming." ^^ » View Image in fullsize Veritas et Aequitas & In dubio pro reo
Edited by Clubradio on 06-06-2015 15:19