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1590MCM - 07.02.25 / 08:53

lol how yall gonna ban me cause i asked why somebody didnt take damage thats some dumb stuff right there lol

Sn1p - 05.02.25 / 19:34

sqad buggggggggggggggggggggggg

Sn1p - 05.02.25 / 18:45

sq bag on server

Jortsa - 04.02.25 / 18:09

Aimbotter, MaximMoss on server right now

Enis505 - 04.02.25 / 11:56

bro i got ban again for teamkill but i didnt do teamkill wtf???Can someone unban me

VanSanD - 02.02.25 / 22:50

Valteim, all VOIP/Microphones didn't work untill the server restart.

one2one69 - 31.01.25 / 14:17

That way, they can act like retards as much as they want and not bother anyone else..

one2one69 - 31.01.25 / 14:17

start your own server and let them play there....

basel1 - 31.01.25 / 11:40

unban petroboss, teodissey and ya2 lik trump did

Johnny_Canuck - 29.01.25 / 20:19

Windoz will flag it but it's safe.

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We are using Teamspeak 3 for best sound experience during advanced gameplay on our Servers!


How to join Teamspeak 3?


1. Download and install the newest available Teamspeak 3 Client from Teamspeak.com


Based on your Operating System you have to choose the correct download.


2. Join the 2F4Y.com Teamspeak 3 Server


  1. Open Teamspeak 3
  2. Choose "Connections" -> "Connect" from the Menue bar on top of Teamspeak 3
  3. A Window called "Connect" (see below) will appear
  4. Enter the following login credentials...
  5. Click the "Connect" Button


Note: There is no "Server Password" required! That means you can leave the "Server Password" field empty (see screenshot above).


3. Verify your Teamspeak 3 Identity


As soon as you have joined the Teamspeak Server our "ServerAdmin" will poke you:


Choose the tab "ServerAdmin" on bottom of Teamspeak:



As requested by "ServerAdmin" you click the "VERIFY TEAMSPEAK IDENTITY" link. This will open a new Window in your Web-Browser and forward you to the verification page on 2F4Y.com.


If everything was successful you will see the following infobox which finishes the verification proccess:

Guest3696, your Teamspeak 3 Identity has been successfully verified.


Otherwise you have to login on the 2F4Y.com WebSite:


by using the login form (top right) of the 2F4Y.com WebSite:


4. Optional (but recommended) add our Teamspeak 3 Server to your bookmarks


  1. Open Teamspeak 3
  2. Choose "Bookmarks" -> "Add to Bookmarks" from the Menue bar on top of Teamspeak 3
  3. A Window called "Bookmarks" will appear
  4. Click the "OK" Button to add our Teamspeak 3 Server to your bookmarks


From now on you can join our Teamspeak 3 Server also by choosing "Bookmarks" -> "2F4Y.com Teamspeak 3" from the Menue bar on top of Teamspeak 3.


Summary, hints and suggestions


  • To join our Teamspeak 3 Server you have to download and install Teamspeak 3 properly.
  • If you (ever) change your Teamspeak 3 Identity you have to verify it again (see step 3)!
  • We recommend you to add our Teamspeak 3 Server to your Bookmarks as described in step 4 but keep in mind to visit this page if login issues happen.
  • If you need any assistance feel free to write a Private Message to "Clubradio" or "Krupp23".

hdgfl on June 25 2010 14:13:39
bf2 runs on mac/linux? smiley
Clubradio on June 25 2010 15:17:31
yes, for example with "Cedega", "CrossOver Linux" or "Wine".
Antiglucke on June 25 2010 15:52:21
Yesno..bf2 runs, but PB doesnt, well PB does also but as the md5 checks will fail (as wine has other md5sums as PB expects) you'll be booted from any PB-server - thus making BF2 under Linux useless...
Krupp23 on June 28 2010 15:29:45
@hdgfl: this page is about TS3, not BF2 - and before you ask if there is any need to use TS3 without playing games... yes, there is!
smgs on July 10 2010 16:41:46
ok, so basically only way to connect this TS3 is via homepage-link. Got it.
smgs on July 15 2010 13:13:47
update, no need via homepage-link. You have to do it once, then just add Bookmark and boooom, there it is , in the Bookmarks. Problem solved.
natalie2009 on July 24 2010 13:17:20
why wont this let me download
smgs on July 30 2010 13:37:16
above is only a guide, go to http://teamspeak.com/?page=downloads for downloads
Extra00 on August 18 2011 09:45:17
i need server password anyhelp ???????
Krupp23 on August 18 2011 09:47:41
Login at 2F4Y.com and read the box on the right that reads "JOIN TEAMSPEAK 3"
B Mohn rocks on August 24 2011 15:08:00
I love your server!!! -B Mohn rocks
DerHussel on December 17 2012 21:45:17
kennt sich jemand mit TS3 overlay aus....?
I_DID_YOUR_MOM on January 23 2013 01:01:08
WHY did I get banned? I havent played for 3 days
Antiglucke on January 30 2015 16:37:55
The example shown is adapted for every user (you see your own username).
kra5av1n on October 09 2015 19:07:01
How can I contact the server administrator ?
Ejikson on June 16 2018 09:29:42
Dear Colleagues,

I have donate today and still cannot play you server.
Error is like slot are reserved.
My nikname is: -=EJIKSON=-
Please help me to join your server.
Donation details:

your donation has been successfully processed!
Transaction ID 0F930648NL091020W
Donation Amount €5.00 EUR
Paypal Fees €0.52 EUR
Total €4.48 EUR
Status Completed
Kr4s3rBr on October 01 2018 09:34:10
Hey guys how are you doing? Well i just register here and im trying to take the team speak ip but he keep saying that the command is an old version, can anyone send me the new ip?smiley
avtorskiy on November 07 2018 05:05:31
installed teamspeak , introduced the name of the server ts.2f4y.com username password avtorskiy you said not to enter ,clicked the connection but it not connects ??smiley
JackieTbs on April 01 2019 02:03:14
what is wrong in this server i try connect and every time i will get a kicked?
le_paraguayo on April 22 2019 20:30:04
teamspeak doesnt wor with teamspeak 3.2.5 please fix!!!!
Psycho_M_Smoker on April 29 2020 16:52:10
you have discord?
ClussyFy_ on May 09 2020 12:35:05
Can someone tell me why im getting baneed?,my account is "ClussyFy_".

When jm trying to connected the notice say "you hasbeen kicked by vote or admin",idk why im getting banned,but last i olay at that server,i just play normalysmileysmiley
Korux on May 13 2020 12:16:05
is there seriously no one online?????
Corndogg650 on May 19 2020 06:27:13
hi all Im new and was a old player from back in the day
cougarxr7sc on October 20 2020 14:45:33
I've been gaming for years.
I'm surprised to find BF2 still working after gamespy shutdown!
Ruskii on June 16 2022 13:49:19
my teamspeak dosent start,pls help
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