18.09.24 / 20:16 Unfortunately for you, you lack the most basic level of intellect. Utterly stupid beyond belief. BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:14 If I don't see anyone, the last thing my missile will do is shoot around corners or places where people might hide. BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:13 In this case I might not even seen anything in the map, just shooting car and tank spawn to pick people off. BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:09 If you weren't a piece of trash, you'd know that firing tv by map and correcting in flight is a basic thing. one2one69 -
18.09.24 / 20:08 yeah but c'mon man we all know humvee's are instant camouflage ..... BUG-ELIMINATOR15 -
18.09.24 / 20:06 Ahh this was the "evidence" you were talking about lmao. Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 19:00 "How the fuck did he see that" - mfer, you're in the OPEN in a fking humvee Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 18:57 You're right about one thing though - this shitty "evidence" won't get anyone banned. Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 18:57 Embarrassing if that's the best you got, phatscat. Helldrummer-DK -
18.09.24 / 18:56 2:10 "knows exactly where the enemy is" - fires a tv at absolutely nothing.
Thanks! Im happy for the new friends I meet! My diet right now is fishoil essential amino acids some protein, kaffe and, thanks have been wonderfull days!
Sauer and RabbitV2 ? Do you still play? ^^
"Its just a game!" - "BF2!"
Edited by FINwidowmaker on 29-03-2018 18:55
if its bak? I didnt see any breaks! Who is lastbil?
Reading about brain plasticity, how wildness requires alot of anatomical, neurochemical and functional performace status thats going on throught your whole lifespan!:
"A truly fascinating example of negative brain plasticity is the process of animal domestication.
All domesticated animals have smaller brain mass compared to their wild cousins. (11)
Wolves, for example, have larger brains relative to their body size than dogs.
negative brain plasticityPeople who study wolves find they are smarter than dogs in every significant way that counts in the wild. (12)
While dogs excel at reading humans, they no longer require the brain power needed to hunt for food and evade predators.
This process seems to be happening in humans as well.
About the same time humans became domesticated by trading in their hunter-gatherer ways for civilization, our brains started shrinking.
In the last 10,000 to 20,000 years, the average human brain has gotten significantly smaller. (13)
The average brain has shrunk from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cubic centimeters.